NetMeter (beta 2) ReadMe (03/04/2004) ============================================= System requirements: -------------------- Any Win32 operating system (Windows 95/98/98SE/ME/NT4/2000/XP) Windows 2000 or XP is required for "transparency" and "balloon hint" features. Note for Windows 95: I you are using Windows 95 you will have to install an update from Microsoft that contains the IP-Helper API (IPHLPAPI.DLL). As far as i know this DLL is included in the Internet Explorer 5.x installation package. Note for Windows NT 4.0: Service Pack 4 or newer is required Known bugs: ----------- none Program version history: ------------------------ (beta 2): - Fixed bug with logfile not being saved on Windows-Shutdown - Added autosave feature for logfile (set to 5 minutes) - On systems with multiple monitors, NetMeter now uses the primary display on first startup - Added "Average left per day"-statistic to "Totals"-screen - Fixed a problem with the "Always on top"-feature - Fixed bug with "Hide meter"-action not working when "fade out" was activated - Fixed problem with "Minimize when idle"-feature stealing the focus when restoring the graph window. - Fixed problem with calculation of billing periods ("Monthly period starts on") NOTE: NetMeter is still in beta state, because internally a lot of things have been changed since the last version. (beta): + Added permanent logfile. Log-data is now saved in the file "NetMeter.tlg" + Added many new statistics to "Totals"-screen (Data transferred today / this week / this month / total, projected transfer, daily / weekly / monthly reports). It is also possible to export the d / w / m reports as CSV file. CSV files can be opened with MS Excel for example. + Added new feature "Traffic volume alert". If activated, NetMeter will notify you, as soon as the projected data transfer exceeds the chosen traffic limit. + Added option "Snap to screen edges" + Added "click-through"-feature. If this option is activated, you can click through the graph window as if it wouldn't be there. + NetMeter is now XP-Theme compatible - Fixed some minor bugs : - Fixed problem with password protected screensavers and user switching under Windows XP caused by the "Mouse sensitive fading" option. Now there won't be any more annoing "Call to an OS function failed" error-popups. + Added new mouse sensitive fading option "fade out / hide" - Added / removed some bandwith-presets - Fixed some minor bugs and did some code-cleanup : - Fixed another problem with "Always on top"-option + Added options to change MAX-display colors - New color defaults for MAX-display : - Fixed problem with "Always on top"-option - Fixed problem with hibernation / standby modes - "Display average values"-feature calculates correctly now... - Some minor changes / bugfixes i already forgot ;) - New button design - New program icons. They are not very beautiful, but at least i created them on my own ;) If you can donate better ones, please let me know! + Added option "Gradient background" + It is now possible to change the display units separately for every display panel (UL, DL and MAX) (beta): - Fixed silly bug in network interface detection - Settings are now saved after clicking on "Apply" or "Ok" instead on program exit - "Options" / "Totals" and "About" windows don't pop under graph window anymore, when "Always on top" option is active + Added option "Display units" + Added option "Display average values" (beta): - NetMeter now identifies the network interfaces via their physical address instead of their name. This fixes the problem with computers that have more than one NIC of the same type / name. + Added option to select custom fonts for the display panels + Added option "Automatically adjust font size" + Adjusted graph window constraints. It is now possible to make the window smaller than in the previous version + Added option to stop graph when nothing is monitored + Added "Average" statistics in "Totals" (beta): - This was the first official release Plans for the future: --------------------- - Restructure and optimize the whole source code (could take a while...) Update: I'm approx. 50% done with restructuring the source code. Done: statistics, logfile, totals-screen, error-handling To-Do: graph + labels, IPHLPAPI-module - Write a complete documentation Have fun! ReadError P.S.: Bug reports and / or general feedback is welcome. But please be aware, that i don't answer all mails that i receive (yes, i am lazy...).